
@JustJosh AHA! so you ADMIT I'm right! Call the presses people! Parker Joshua-*****(; Jones has admitted that I, CASSIDY am right! This will go down in history, Parks! Sto being so proper! "thus far" damn douche-.-  I didn't FORCE you! You stayed up then realized it was time for school mister! I'm not naive! OR arrogant! What nickname...PJ(; HAHAHAHAHAHA! Just goes to show how tight we are babe(;


T W I N !
          Since you're off in a dangerous country right now, I'm assuming your holidays would have finished once you read this, so how were the holidays? Awesome? Exhilarating? No bombings right? Anyways yeah I've missed you twin! Honestly I have!! 
          Here's to the crap we talk, the guys we stalk, the way we shop, the gossip we spill, the looks that kill. To having each other's backs, to the next morning getting the facts. Downing the Root Beer, spilling the tears, we'll stick together through the years.
          You're one of my favorite ladies! If I don't get back I'm obviously not a good friend... I love you <3
          Now I have a game for you. Once you read this you must send it to 10 of your favorite girls =) Your next 5 days will look like this:
          Day 1: You will wake up to the biggest shock of your life.
          Day 2: You will cross paths with an old friend you miss.
          Day 3: You will come to find yourself with A LOT of friends.
          Day 4: Your day will be perfect.
          Day 5: The love of your life will fall head over heels in love with you


Cassie!! when are you getting back we all miss you esp mr grumpy pants he's such a pain in the back and hes killing all the dogs one by one
          Also :D
          Here's to the crap we talk, the guys we stalk, the way we shop, the gossip we spill, the looks that kill. To having each other's backs, to the next morning getting the facts. Downing the Root Beer, spilling the tears, we'll stick together through the years.
          You're one of my favorite ladies! If I don't get back I'm obviously not a good friend... I love you <3
          Now I have a game for you. Once you read this you must send it to 10 of your favorite girls =) Your next 5 days will look like this:
          Day 1: You will wake up to the biggest shock of your life.
          Day 2: You will cross paths with an old friend you miss.
          Day 3: You will come to find yourself with A LOT of friends.
          Day 4: Your day will be perfect.
          Day 5: The love of your life will fall head over heels in love with you


@writer_girl96 I regret telling you the second half of my middlename now. I was being sarcastic shelly. I type properly you know I'm not good with slang.. #PEMDAS[; Well we have pretty interesting conversations, it's easy going and I lost track of time. You know what I meant by tight! Jesus, your never going to let that go, are you?


@JustJosh AHA! so you ADMIT I'm right! Call the presses people! Parker Joshua-*****(; Jones has admitted that I, CASSIDY am right! This will go down in history, Parks! Sto being so proper! "thus far" damn douche-.-  I didn't FORCE you! You stayed up then realized it was time for school mister! I'm not naive! OR arrogant! What nickname...PJ(; HAHAHAHAHAHA! Just goes to show how tight we are babe(;


@writer_girl96 Yeah, your right, haha. We've had our fair share of conversations thus far. I agree we both pulled all-nighters. Which by the way Y.O.U forced me to do. No, no, no. We decided you were naive, arrogant, and somehow I agreed that your looks were deceiving. That's not my fault, shelly you should know where to put a comma. I hate thy dreadful name! I like how were speaking on your board and on chat[:


@JustJosh Woah babe, this Convo feels like eons ago! We seriously need some sleep the both of us! Woah woah we agreed that YOU had had a bigger ego, an that MOI was just confident! Hahahah yeah little grammar my derriere you went aggro on me this Morning for misplacing a comma!
          @Roses_Are_Green Wait, what's wrong CC?
          @aussiebabe1 I fixed it CLO!(; And thanks much! I didn't think I would make it, but I did and I'm ecstatic!
           @ArrogantBastards  I fixed it NoNo(: Nothing much just got accepted into the college of my dreams no big deal!(;