I'm an aspiring author who loves to be imaginative and creative with my work I am also a budding actress and singer who is especially fond of the darker less sought out roles
  • InscritJuly 8, 2014

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Queenofdarkness2401 Queenofdarkness2401 Sep 15, 2015 08:32PM
I love stories not because I love reading and writing words but because I love seeing emotions spilled onto a page and left so those that are really paying attention can feel exactly the same thing a...
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Histoires par Queenofdarkness2401
I am the Shadow Queen par Queenofdarkness2401
I am the Shadow Queen
My name is, well I would tell you but I have no one certain name so that would take years to tell you all of...
Burn forever par Queenofdarkness2401
Burn forever
this is a poem that my friend *S* wrote warning it is pretty sinister so if you don't like please don't read ...
ranking #320 dans la catégorie sinister Voir tous les classements
Truth par Queenofdarkness2401
The painful truth about life, the world and everything.
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