I'm normally an artist (my name is the same here as it is on DeviantART) but In my spare time I like to read and create storys, horror, fantasy, sci-fi, imagination and many other kinds is alowed since the story just have to be interesting
  • انضمJuly 18, 2017


قصص بقلم QuelendUnderground
Three foxes, a ship & an island (fnaf Fanfic)           [not finished!] بقلم Quelend
Three foxes, a ship & an island (f...
An actual pirate story with Foxy, Mangle and Funtime Foxy from Fnaf that I started on in class and then decid...
ranking #936 في funtimefoxy إظهار جميع المراتِب
Odd brothers (Fnaf Fanfic) بقلم Quelend
Odd brothers (Fnaf Fanfic)
A Fredbear/Golden Freddy and Nightmare fan story about their weird worlds and family (also yes I made the boo...