VOLTRON (i kinda ship Sheith but nothing sexual cUZ KEITH LITERALLY CALLED SHIRO BROTHER AND IM NOT ABOUT INCEST) Klance will reign supreme motherfuckers. It's end game nothing else makes sense and all the comparisons and stuff with other *canon* ships happen with them and its just so- imma stop here cuz fuck you ding dong

Follow me on IG: not_my.__shiro
- uh, the name's Rachel
- (L IS BAE)
- I LOVE to read. (Eh)
-the color purple and blue that's a lie i love all colors except burnt orange. Im cool with rust colors tho. Just not burnt *shudders*

-i was born on fuck you
-Love Anime and Manga (well, not that much anymore)
-I'm 12, nope 14 fuckers nOpe 15 (nope 16 aha)
-You can't spell Love without L ! Or friend without end but whatever
-Without L the world is just a word. And it's still fucking depressing so have fun dealing with that
-im 15 (16 now omg)
this account is old wtf
  • Se ha unidoSeptember 16, 2015

Último mensaje
Quiet_Uptown__ Quiet_Uptown__ Jul 07, 2019 04:21PM
Rip Cameron BoyceHe died too young
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Historias de listen to Cavetown
danielalaialalalalalalalalalalalalalalal de Quiet_Uptown__
for my dearest friend did I say dearest? i meant the fucking worst
im sorry de Quiet_Uptown__
im sorry
I know now what I've done wrong.
ranking #404 en 13rw Ver todos los rankings
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