Apology to the readers who were left disappointed with my discontinued works. I still remember that i promised to continue, but that's just me being me, making promises that i'm not even certain. I really enjoyed my time writing and getting feedback from you dear readers, i read it (every reply).I was delighted that it was the main reason that i kept on writing back then. To the authors and readers that I befriended before while writing the series , i hope you are living a good life. To be honest ,writing these books was nothing but to pass time, and maybe it was also my test to myself if it was something i was good at. But nonetheless,it was just a flash in the pan. I'm not even updated about the latest novels in COTE. I only tried writing since i was a student that didn't have much to do and i truly regret not being busy honing my skills and kept on enjoying my youth. I'm an adult now and I just graduated this month ,but the degree i graduated from may not really be something to be proud of when compared to the likes of an engineer or doctors . An apology again and an announcement that i could no longer write or continue my works. Still,i would not remove it from wattpad. For those who want to adapt or continue the series,you have my permission to do so. See you then .....

I understand that you have made the decision to step away from the series, and It takes courage to acknowledge when it is time to move on, and I truly hope a beautiful life wait ahead of you.