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I know Yally probably don’t wanna hear this but I need to rant. So I work in childcare, and I’ve had this current job for about two years. It fucking sucks. The management is horrible. And my coworker who we’ll call Jamie is absolutely mind numbingly ignorant. She has threatened the children 3 times (that u personally know of) and she has screamed at me over the smallest things. And one of my bosses we’ll call Kami takes everything Jamie says about me as the gospel truth. And I have gotten in trouble multiple times. Like today I got in trouble for putting my number on our whiteboard for parents to call when they pick their kid up, which I have done, over the past year when my supervisor isn’t there. And Jamie threw a fit because I had wifi issues and my other boss said to put her number on the board. FOR THAT DAY. And Kami was like, ‘well you shouldn’t put your number on there’. I get in trouble when Jamie says I’m talking too much responsibility, and Kami and my other boss give me more responsibility all the damn time. I know this doesn’t sound like a lot but so much has happened over the past like, year and a half and I’ve been wanting to quit like two months into me having this job. But I’m actually quitting soon and job hunting now, Yippie!