I personally am happy they brought back Harley Quinn, i am completely, utterly, and hopelessly in love with her! Insta bought her with the bonus v bucks i got a few days ago! ❤❤❤
I personally am happy they brought back Harley Quinn, i am completely, utterly, and hopelessly in love with her! Insta bought her with the bonus v bucks i got a few days ago! ❤❤❤
@ -O-M-I-S- nu ai pentru ce, insa cartea aceea e terminata. tr invit, in schimb sa citesti White raven, care e o carte cu diferite texte. Best kept secret si Noua lume, care e in desfasurare.
i did not. idk why it was deleted.. i didnt do anything wrong, did i? well i an sorry for that .. really it wasnt my fault. and after all my work.. uh .. i guess i have to put both books up again. but next week i will do this.
@THE100OUATWRITER it.s not complete. i will try tomorrow to post the rest and book 3 i didn.t find it enywhere yet but i will search and maybe next week i will post that too.