@EchoingFootsteps Thank you so much!


Hey! Just wanted to pop in and tell you I'm in love with your book. I noticed that you haven't updated since June 22nd of last year.... I'm not going to be one of. Those people who are like 'update soon' I just wanted you to know that there are people out there (other than me) who love your writings. I really believe that you could do amazing things with your characters, and the book. I love the idea, the message, everything. I love the way you sorta pour yourself into you work. I love reading your work, and I just hope that everything is working out alright for you. Don't quit writing, you have a gift! Keep on showing it!
          -Kelsey Marie 


Wow, thank you! This is honestly one of the most inspiring things anyone has ever told me about my writing. I think I stopped writing for a long time because I forgot how to give myself over to the story. I'm trying to find that part of me again, and people like yourself, the kind of positive encouragement you offer me, really helps remind me why I'm here and what I'm trying to do!