
OK! I'm so sorry for my lateness, I couldn't write anything for a while, and when I finally wrote it down my internet just stopped working for no apparant reason. So, at last, I present you with a new update. And I'm going to PM you another poem just to make up for it.


YAY! I'm in the middle of finishing up my new entry, I just saw your response :(. Anyways I am going to start reading yours right now, I'm so excited!! I feel like a cheerleader- I'm literally squealing right now :D I should have it done late tonight. GAH!


I'll make you deal. You ready for this? OK, if I write a new entry for Stream of Consciousness, you have to put up a new poem. How does that sound? Because I am craving a new poem from you so bad. I swear I'm having withdrawls, I'm shaking and everything! :P


Haha, I know what you mean, I had a project in ELA earlier this year, and I had finished almost all of it, but we had to re-write the ending for the book we were reading and- no joke- I had basketball practice after school, but I stayed up till 1 in the morning working on it, then I woke up at 6 o'clock, which is an hour and a halkf earlier that what I usually do, and I finished having about 5 minutes to go to school. It was a page and barely a half >.<


I know! I mean unless I'm going to be a scientist or something (which I'm not) I only need to learn a minimal amount about density! But oh well, teachers just don't understand that I could just easily learn about everything of the great God of the internet, Google<3


I'm reading another werewolf story, I know cliche, but they're just such nice books to pass the time, it's called Burning Passion, and my lab's just about an experiment we did in class about density and all that boring crap, I know what it is I'm just too lazy to write it down >.<


Aw! I have an older brother and he's a pretty big shadow to live in, but I'm sure you'll get your driving test earlier! OK... Maybe not. I'm still procrastinating... I really want to go work on it, but I can't :'( I need to finish this story! I'm awful.