
Hi! I apologize for promoting my story here on your board without prior permission. I'm a new writer,  and I've recently started writing a story. I'd love for you to check out a snippet of my work. Your feedback and support would mean the world to me. If you enjoy it, please consider voting, commenting, and recommending it to others. If possible, please follow as well to stay updated with my latest posts. Thank you in advance!



          Thanks to follow 
          Hope you are doing well if you have some time please check out my stories
          1.My Mom's Personal Diary
          2. Another MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN
          3.Longing Hearts 2
          4. Another Hate Love Story 
          Last two are sequel of Another MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN, which is my most loved and readed book.
          They all are complete books, I Hope you will like them
          _Naaz Jamal 


            Glad to know dear ❤️ 


@Writerbyheart01 I read your story ' My Mom's Personal Diary ' beautifully written. 


Hello dear, I will be happy if you peep in my works..☺️
          1. GolMal ( rom-com)
          1. Friday the 15th ( Adventure/ Thriller)
          3. Angel's Brute ( Dark romance)
          4. Love or Game ( Dark drama)
          5. My secret Cinderella ( romance)
          6. Behind the Camera ( Dark drama)
          7. Anecdotes ( TS and OS of different fandoms)
          8. Luscious love ( one shot..romance..general fiction)
          9. The Semblance ( Horror)
          10. Malhotra weds Murthy revisit to GolMal.
          11. Malevolent Love ( Dark romance - in Inkitt) 
          12. Mere samnewali khidki mein ( rom-com Manan)
          13. Murder in Motel Mount ( Mystery/ Thriller)
          Plz give these stories a glance. I am sure you will like it..
          Thank you 


Thanks for the follow dear. 
          Please check my stories, The Strings of Love, Unconditionally Yours as well as Love and Redemption along with Rainbow of our Love too. 
          Hopefully you will like them.
          Happy reading :)
          With love 