
this message may be offensive
Yes hello everyone who follows me. It's 1AM so I don't really want to spend much time writing this, so I'm just going to be straightforward. 
          	Writing Stop Playing Your Games is really fucking hard for me to do now, mostly because I no longer really ship ImmortalFox. It's weird for me to write cute things about two people who I don't really see as a plausible couple.
          	Thus, I might not finish it. Incredibly dick move, I know, but it was pretty predictable. If people really do want me to, though, I will, and I will try to get updates to at the very least be once every two weeks.
          	And basically I made a Strawpoll thingy so you guys can vote what you want me to do with my typing skills, so go vote!!! http://strawpoll.me/3014466
          	I'll be checking the results in a few days and will announce it then!! Btw, huGE thanks to all my new followers!!!! <333 Rly appreciate you following my uneventful account and shit, so tyyyy!!!! okaynowbye//sleepsforever


Hey just letting you know i've never been a huge fan of Fanfics but my god you have made me one! I mean i am absolutely loving Stop Playing Your Games! It is amazing!!! You have an impeccable writing skill and a very vivid imagination!!! In other words you are amazing and i adore you and your literature!!!


this message may be offensive
Yes hello everyone who follows me. It's 1AM so I don't really want to spend much time writing this, so I'm just going to be straightforward. 
          Writing Stop Playing Your Games is really fucking hard for me to do now, mostly because I no longer really ship ImmortalFox. It's weird for me to write cute things about two people who I don't really see as a plausible couple.
          Thus, I might not finish it. Incredibly dick move, I know, but it was pretty predictable. If people really do want me to, though, I will, and I will try to get updates to at the very least be once every two weeks.
          And basically I made a Strawpoll thingy so you guys can vote what you want me to do with my typing skills, so go vote!!! http://strawpoll.me/3014466
          I'll be checking the results in a few days and will announce it then!! Btw, huGE thanks to all my new followers!!!! <333 Rly appreciate you following my uneventful account and shit, so tyyyy!!!! okaynowbye//sleepsforever


huzzah you shall join Lucy in my shoutout area bc you're both the kewlest


@JJBorderCrosser I ain't gonna promo you, you are cruel to me and make me cri.


@JJBorderCrosser no dont hes a meanie remember all the times JJ said u were a nerd or u werent the kewlest


I just read all of your stories nonstop. And I added all of them to my library. You = My favorite writer on Wattpad. :)


@JJBorderCrosser sighs. You found the 'im in me mum's cah' girl's tumblr because of me. I deserve more than this.