(Twisted Incident) Sorry for the lack of a chapter y'all. It's taking me a while to think about how this will go cause this chap will kind of set the plot for the rest of the book. I do have somewhat of a plot already but I need filler chapters that lead up to it. I'll try to have it up this weekend.
Hope you guys understand. Thank you!
Me: *just being one of those readers that just red a good book equally as good as my own but in a summery of only a few CH but mine takes 20 something CH to make it interesting*
Also me: f#cking perfection
Everyone is wondering where the book updates are but it’s been almost a whole (one more day) year since Rainz has had any activity. Anyone wonder where the author is..?
Please continue the twisted incident, i found out about it yesterday and was reading thw whole thing till 4 in the morning and ive never loved a book more, please continue
(Twisted Incident) Sorry for the lack of a chapter y'all. It's taking me a while to think about how this will go cause this chap will kind of set the plot for the rest of the book. I do have somewhat of a plot already but I need filler chapters that lead up to it. I'll try to have it up this weekend.
Hope you guys understand. Thank you!