That one trash bin no one ever looks at.
That's ok.
Even if all the trash goes to this one.
That's all ok.
The trash bin that is no where near as popular as the stores where it lives.
That's still ok.
Because all this tiny trash bin wants to do, is help people.
No matter what trash it gets, it holds it in, just to help stop littering.
The trash the bin is every single rude comeback, mean comment, and heartbreaking remarks someone has said in the area.
And somehow, the dumpster truck never goes to this bin.
It is over filled. Over the brim.

Over the number someone like me can't even count anymore.

Because all of those mean comments, were the ones received by my friends.

The ones that made them kill themselves.

So please...

Don't bully.
Words hurt.
Even if they're on a screen,
even if they're on a piece of paper.

And all you victims out there reading...

Stay alive.

Yes I know, easier said than done, but...

Do it for the trash bin who has to take all the trash too. That trash bin sees all the pain. All of them.

And also, don't be lazy and litter.
Especially if what your littering is going to hurt someone.

Think before you speak.

Stay alive. ❤️

- Giovie
  • InscritNovember 15, 2016

Dernier message
RandomBinOfTrash RandomBinOfTrash Oct 18, 2018 08:36PM
So I made a new oc named Void!And also, y’all should know I really like Aphmau and her MyStreet series, so I went ahead and roleplayed— turns oUt lAuReNcE x vOid iS a tHiNg nOw even if I still ship...
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