
hello you all I am here, I am queer.


((Happy freaking Thanksgiving!))
          "To those who celebrate Thanksgiving. Some people might not celebrate this holiday, and it wou-" Diana was stopped from continuing from Gypsy covering her mouth.
          "Shut up. No one cares." Gypsy sighed.
          "Anyway'zz," Tuezia rolled her eyes. "Happy human Thankzzgiving. What izz thizz holiday?"
          "I don't care. If you want me, I'll be trying to hang mysself in my room." Mellia turned, earning a glare from Tuezia. 
          "Aren't you the slightest bit worried?" Gypsy asked Tue.
          "No. I replaced her fan with the mozzt brittle of human wood." She giggled a bit. "Zzhe couldn't hang herzzelf if zzhe tried."
          "Gogdarnit!!" There was a very loud bang, and of course, sobbing. Looks like another failed suicide attempt by Mellia. 
          ((Well, I think it's a great day. I finally get to eat those pies I made!! Yay!!!))


((Random thing I'm doing for no reason. Yay. Admin had no reasons. Admin is random. Admin likes talking in third person. 
          -w- ))
          Deck, the Ace of Heart, sat by a tree in a random forest, an annoyed look on her face. "How in the hell did I get lost? This isn't suppose to happen to me." She sighed and leaned against the tree closing her light pink eyes. "Why is this world so stupid?"
          ((Admin has decided to try to use Deck, since I want to try to use some other characters, and admin happens to like Deck's character.))


((Admin likes admins birthday. November the 13th. How sweet. The 13th. A supposedly unlucky number. I mean, when my birthday was on a Friday it was the best birthday ever. The meanest girl I knew gave me a present. It was so strange. But my birthday is in a few hours. HELLS YES.))


((I have declared Tuezia a trickster for no particular reason. Just cause. I was bored. Yeah.))
          "Oh, how wonderful~! Thizz izz amazing! I feel on top of the damned world~! Zzcrew all of thizz innocent zzhit! Who needzz that anymore? I'm colorful, and I don't care what anyone fuckin' thinkzz~!" Tuezia spun around, giggling uncontrollably.