
@Alice_in_hysteria  *hands you a button for stating the obvious* Congratulations! Your first wattgirl scout button!


GUESSSS WHAT?!?!?!?! I'M BACK IN BUSINESS BABY :DDDDDD My PC is finally fixed; you would not believe how bad it was!!! 5 viruses, 3 intrusive files, and some other spam whatnots that I completely forgot. ALL WE NEEDED WAS THE DAMN TROJAN HORSE TO JOIN THE PARTY!!! Well, that's said and done and I'm just here to bring news to all. As a late Christmas present, I'm uploading the story 'How It Should've Been' today. I'm also spitballing on the O'Kenley chapter. I have so many other ideas for other stories, but imma finish these two first. I am determined to do it, and you, my awesome reader ( i love you for waiting so long) will not be dissapointed! PINKY PROMISE :3 Now I'm off to wright and will probably be writing as you read this..... BYEEEE ;)


HEEEYY!! Yes, I am back. No, I am not online to write :( Sadly, my computer's firewall expired and a whole bunch of chizz invaded my computer and it just spontenieously combusted >:o Shocking, Isn't it? Well, right now I'm using my BFFFFFFF'S sexy ass computer to tell ya'll that I LOVE YOU and that you might have to wait for the next uploads for some time until I'm able to get some solid typing time. A chapter usually takes me a day, I'm slow like that -_- And the fact that I lso have school really does not give me time, WHICH SUCKS BUTT!!! GRRRR!!! So yea, long story short, There shall be an even longer wait for the next uploads! <3 ya'll so much.


Kay!!! Hi there!!! It's me in a different form :P On this acount is my joint story with MeLovesCookies. It's called Half A Tear. It's already got a discription and I'm working on an Epilogue. Alice is working on the first chapter as I type, and trust me when I say these uploads will be leangthy and juicy, we don't write stuff we wouldn't read ourselves,k? K. Go check it out lovelies :P