I know this will cause dismay to many people, but I'm putting my second book on hiatus. I'm getting so much love and affection from my readers, and let me just say, it's not you. Lately I haven't really had any way to progress further into the story with how I would like. I know where to start and how to finish, but the middle of the book (The majority) I don't know how to continue. I really love this series and I love my OC Allison. I don't think I could ever disband my book. I could never do that. I have no clue how long the hiatus will be. It might be a year, or only a few weeks. During that time, please be patient with me. I just don't have as much inspiration as I did when I first started these books. I had a goal and a plan on how to reach that goal. With the second book, I didn't have the plan. I don't find the joy in writing my second book as much as I did. Right now it feels like a responsibility and a job rather than something that brings both me and others joy. Until I have a change in thought, or start enjoying writing the second book I will not be posting chapters. I know I promised you guys that I would write a Christmas special, but as you can tell, I can't follow up on that promise. Even though the second book is on hiatus that does not mean I still won't be writing books. I will be doing little mini chapters or shorts, as I don't want to get to invested into a book (Much like what happened here) and suddenly give out in the middle of it. Please do not blame you, as the reader, and don't start posting hateful comments about me giving out on you. I'm doing this both for me and you. I believe that if I continue writing, feeling as if it was a job, than my quality and tone would turn south real quick. Please be patient with me, See you soon! (Hopefully)~ Ravenboss