
I'm sorry to say guys, I unpublished UTW story. Everytime I try to start up again on that story, I don't know what else to write about. I have major writers block, its just not a story I am sincerely passionate about. I've had a few other ideas to post something else so I can enjoy writing again. But there it is, poking me in the eye everytime I open up wattpad. So I decided to take it down for now, until I get more inspired to write about that type of genre, the mermaid genre, or whatever. Plus it had some really problematic age differences, and now as an adult reading it. It was WAY wrong. I had to fix the age gap, because it wasn't okay and we shouldn't romanticize an age gap like that. I will be producing more content that isn't UTW, I'm sorry if thats not what you wanted, but this is what I want. Hopefully you enjoy my future works, and if not Wattpad is filled with wonderful stories and maybe you'll find something that calls to you. Sincerely R.R


I'm sorry to say guys, I unpublished UTW story. Everytime I try to start up again on that story, I don't know what else to write about. I have major writers block, its just not a story I am sincerely passionate about. I've had a few other ideas to post something else so I can enjoy writing again. But there it is, poking me in the eye everytime I open up wattpad. So I decided to take it down for now, until I get more inspired to write about that type of genre, the mermaid genre, or whatever. Plus it had some really problematic age differences, and now as an adult reading it. It was WAY wrong. I had to fix the age gap, because it wasn't okay and we shouldn't romanticize an age gap like that. I will be producing more content that isn't UTW, I'm sorry if thats not what you wanted, but this is what I want. Hopefully you enjoy my future works, and if not Wattpad is filled with wonderful stories and maybe you'll find something that calls to you. Sincerely R.R


Thanks for the loving comment and for reading The Weaver's Source from end to finish :3 Glad you enjoyed it so much :>


Totally fine, I did, I loved every last bit of the beautiful story :D from start to finish, Can't wait to see it in on book shelves :)


Also, sorry for the slow response. Been away from Wattpad for a while...