Hello, hello!
So, in-between my silence, discovered I was preggers and had my baby recently! Surprise! lol My mind was completely focused on work balance and my health, but now I'm on maternity leave, so feeling a bit more of those creative writing vibes getting back to me. I was so drained before, so not much to give that was good, yet.
But! Having to jump back into this, I'm re-reading and now doing some little re-working and getting familiar with this story again so I can continue forward. I still have my chapters that were nearly done, but I'm going to work my way back to them first, and then post them! I'm nearly there.
Sadly, no promises on WHEN I will be posting them, but I've not dropped this story!
But, I've been posting on my archive of our own first with updates and tweaks, before I post here.
Anyways, hope this new year has been kind to you all! It's certainly been wild and chaotic all around.