
Hello, hello!
          	So, in-between my silence, discovered I was preggers and had my baby recently! Surprise! lol My mind was completely focused on work balance and my health, but now I'm on maternity leave, so feeling a bit more of those creative writing vibes getting back to me. I was so drained before, so not much to give that was good, yet.
          	But! Having to jump back into this, I'm re-reading and now doing some little re-working and getting familiar with this story again so I can continue forward. I still have my chapters that were nearly done, but I'm going to work my way back to them first, and then post them! I'm nearly there.
          	Sadly, no promises on WHEN I will be posting them, but I've not dropped this story! 
          	But, I've been posting on my archive of our own first with updates and tweaks, before I post here.
          	Anyways, hope this new year has been kind to you all! It's certainly been wild and chaotic all around.


Hello, hello!
          So, in-between my silence, discovered I was preggers and had my baby recently! Surprise! lol My mind was completely focused on work balance and my health, but now I'm on maternity leave, so feeling a bit more of those creative writing vibes getting back to me. I was so drained before, so not much to give that was good, yet.
          But! Having to jump back into this, I'm re-reading and now doing some little re-working and getting familiar with this story again so I can continue forward. I still have my chapters that were nearly done, but I'm going to work my way back to them first, and then post them! I'm nearly there.
          Sadly, no promises on WHEN I will be posting them, but I've not dropped this story! 
          But, I've been posting on my archive of our own first with updates and tweaks, before I post here.
          Anyways, hope this new year has been kind to you all! It's certainly been wild and chaotic all around.


Hello dear, someone notified me about my story Agape being posted under someone else’s name here on Wattpad. I tried to reply to you on their message board but mine keep being deleted. So I decided to contact you here. The story has been uploaded by this person without my permission and it saddens me that she refuses to do the right thing and delete it. I hope you have a lovely day. Lots of love, 


Yes, thank you so much that’s most kind of you! Yes, I do not understand why someone would do such a thing, but alright. You are a dear and you reporting them would be a big help! As a reference to my story you can look me up on AO3, agape is still published there❤️


@Vanghoegh2 Hi! Yeah, after they answered, I sought out to check with you and let you know. It's certainly ballsy to openly lie and say they got your permission, and then refuse to take it down when OG writer confronts them. I'll add to reporting it, and hopefully if you publicly notify your followers, they can help? I'm not familiar with this process on wattpad tbh. But I'll help however I can!


Hey, I wanted to see how you were doing and if you would still continue updating the story. Hope you are doing well !!!


Hey! I’m doing fine, lots of life happening, but I am! I’m not done with this, just needed a break and get back on track. My chapters are nearly done, just had a minor block for a minute. I’ll be back into that flow of writing asap. <3


I'm checking in every now and then, and seeing so much attention growing for Immortal Hearts has me so happy and motivated. 
          Thank you guys for the support and letting me know in comments or stars that you like each chapter so far! It let's me know the direction, pace, and content is going in the right direction!
          It'll begin getting more complex touch by touch each chapter, but I'm always working on the next chapter, or bits for later. 
          Thank you all! ❤️


Wasn’t sure how I was going to piece together the next big events, but it finally hit me and I’m committing to my plan! I want to play a bit with some parts of the show in my story, explore a bit and expand. Hopefully, it flows well!
          So the next series of events are visualized, just gotta flesh it out in writing.


Working on the next chapter, which may take a bit longer to write since I’ll be writing more altered paths to canon more and more. I’m still figuring out where I’m going with it, but expect it to be linear to canon at times.
          Will say, we’re getting closer to a full on reunion and first ‘official’ meet coming up.