Okay so a little about my lame ass>>>>>
Fav Band/singers: He Is We, BvB, Maroon 5, The Beatles, Nickasuras...etc.
Fav Food: Um..Lo Mein Noodles haha ^-^
Fav thing to do: Read ...like I wish I could read all day everyday.
Fav color/colors: Purple, Orange, Blue, and Black.

Hey! I'm updating this because it's been so long!! But I wanted to say that I'm in the middle of figuring myself out right now. I currently have Depression and Anger Issues...but I'm working on getting better.
I am getting better I promise! I've been clean from Drugs, Drinking, and Cutting for almost a year now..but tbh I'm not even close to being half way better. It's so much more than just quitting your old bad habits. I'm getting there though.
Um I don't really know what else to say...but I just want to let you know if you're sad you aren't the only one. I'm here and along with 2million other people who might have depression in this world. Depression isn't just some joke..people die from it. It kills people. It's something that we need to start taking seriously. Don't ignore it. Don't laugh at it. And most of all DONT EVER make someone with depression, with suicidal thoughts... take that last breath or drop that last tear.
You might think this is stupid but suicide hotline really did save me one night and it wasn't my last night I thought I was going to end my life, but suicide hotline does help. So if you ever need someone..I'm here...they're here. Just please please remember you're not alone. I love you all! Thank you for reading this even though it's probably really boring and weird... Peace!
Live. Love. Laugh.
  • Narnia
  • EntrouMay 26, 2013

Última mensagem
RawrTiger RawrTiger Nov 01, 2014 07:54PM
I want to read Ur book!!!
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