
Dun Dun Dunnnnnn........2/5 currently written chapters re-checked....as soon as the other 3/5 are done. A new chapter will be posted !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to my lovely helper/editor/partner....AAMorgan, You guys will get a new chapter soon !


Dun Dun Dunnnnnn........2/5 currently written chapters re-checked....as soon as the other 3/5 are done. A new chapter will be posted !!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to my lovely helper/editor/partner....AAMorgan, You guys will get a new chapter soon !


Ok, no promises, but, I'm going to try and post. It's only fair that i get back to it. I may need a co-writer, or advisor, having someone with me might make me think of this whole book as more of a commitment rather than a side thing. I love writing but i have a prioritizing problem... :( D:


Happy birthday to me ^.^ so as birthday gift to myself and you guys I'm going to post another part because I know I haven't in a while.... But I have been busy with my summer academy in Harvard university yay me. Sooo I will post hopefully by tonight if i don't get a but load of homework again.