
hello there


@bantyoR hey man, sorry for the late reply, I was having exams, so I did not use watpadd for a few days. Anyways, if you want to me message on discord. My username is rayanghost. Drop me a message and I will reply to you in the morning. It's almost midnight here.


@bantyoR anyway, do you have any social media for us to exchange idea? example : discord


@Rayanghost for author who thinks the audience is dumb, I don't think I wanna going this way


firstly - The galaxy Ultron controls have 5 trillion stars in it roughly so it is a stary galaxy which also increases the danger for the people living in the galaxy cause if their local star died out, becoming blackhole a lot of people are going to die like from this but this also allows Ultron to access the energy from the stars and have a very good power supply. Ultron controls over 100,000,000,000,000 or over 100 trillion planets, all of the galaxy. Here's the thing many of the planets taken over by his race had no life on them so they were turned into forge worlds and resource worlds for mining their ores. A lot of the planets had intelligent organic life on them, to take over them Ultron would spend a maximum of a decade and a minimum of on the planet studying the people, their government, language, culture, everything. Then he would go back to his home prepare an army and come offer the people to join his empire, he would speak in their language and offer to help, just making himself more likable to the government and people. However, if he finds the government corrupt and how bad the people are on the planet, he would send a squad of cobras to take over the government and make reforms then take over the planet. His army you can say is so vast that each world has a proper army to protect it never falling short since the robots cover the majority of the army and the organic beings are only one division casualties are very small when the army goes to war.


The lady is a female version of Lion El'Jonson the primarch of the dark angles of the first legion. Everything other than that is the same.


Sure mankind won't be like winning a lot from now on but still take a few wins and a lot of Losses. We don't know much about a soul in 40k other than the fact that every soul in the milky way galaxy is connected to the warp and the state of the warp and chaos was born due to the war in heaven 60 billion years ago, the necro who served the Ca'tan were made immortal by having their soul removed and their physical bodies destroyed with their conscious send into mental bodies, by that, we can assume that the soul is more a connector of the physical world and the warp. Since I don't have that much information on the soul I will do it my own way.
            In my story, the soul is more like an individual with consciousness and personality, so the Ca'tan used some ancient technology and were able to remove the consciousness and personality of a Necron soul then eat it but send the consciousness to metal bodies while locking it way


@jotarokujo2121 Can you tell me a bit about the new lady character in the chapter my info on Warhammer is a bit old since i haven't been reading about it for some time.