Hey guys, I really…don't feel up to running this account anymore. I am very sorry but I feel like I've been neglecting this account's existence and been busy on my personal account, and the other accounts I'm a part of. Awards or not.
So rather than wiping this profile off the plain if existence or putting it on hiatus forever…I figured I'd try to pass it down to someone first.
So I'm putting the Fall Awards on hold, until I can find a new owner that is committed to running this page.
I'll be accepting anyone I deem trustworthy, admin or not. So if you're interested in running this awards page, send a message to my PERSONAL ACCOUNT; @Razor_Midnight. All messages to this account will take longer to reply to, as I'm rarely ever on this one.
So just send a message to my personal account saying something along the lines of "Hey! I'm interested in running the @Razor_Special_Awards page!"
I don't expect to receive a lot of messages, this account is quite small.
Like I said, admin or not, send me a message if you're interested. I will tag the admins here as well;
Thank you for reading this, and I will now put the Fall Awards on hold until further notice.