Hi, my name is Rebekah, and recently have become obsessed with the tv show When Calls The Heart so I am writing a story about it. I love to sing, paint and now apparently write, I have two sisters, a dog, two cats and both parents. I'm an introvert, so I only have like three really good friends. Bye for now :)
  • New Zealand
  • RegistriertAugust 17, 2021

Folge ich

Geschichten von Rebekah Lesley Teague
Millie - in loving memory Maddy Jane Nicol von Rebekahleslie14
Millie - in loving memory Maddy Ja...
Anna's best friend Millie, dies of cancer. The very same day she learns of her best friends death, She was k...
When Calls The Heart Fanfiction von Rebekahleslie14
When Calls The Heart Fanfiction
This story is about Jack and Elizabeth's future if Jack hadn't died in his posting at Fort Clay. (In Elizabet...
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