
          	I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but I updated My Criminal Story. However, I will be changing the summary, but this time, I promise not to change the actual story. I'm currently in the middle of exams, so I won't be updating The Pinkie Promise until that's over. Even though it' been so long. ;-; I'm sorry.


          I'm not sure if anyone noticed, but I updated My Criminal Story. However, I will be changing the summary, but this time, I promise not to change the actual story. I'm currently in the middle of exams, so I won't be updating The Pinkie Promise until that's over. Even though it' been so long. ;-; I'm sorry.


Good morning, or evening or afternoon!
          I'm updating The Pinkie Promise soon with the Second Year of Clara Kurokawa. It's a zoom forward towards the summer time of each year because that's when the store takes place!
          I'm really excited to also announce the re-write of MCS. It's  work in progress, but it's good progress. I quite like this version so please bear with me!


Hello! Wow I haven't been on here for quite a while. XD
          Sorry about never updating me stories, I've honestly been so busy (also a little lazy).
          So, a little note on all of my stories: 
          I'm re-writing MCS (My Criminal Story), trying but unsuccesfully rewriting K-1 (Because I keep changing the plot and ugh), just staring at Dear Stars like it's some kind of stranger because I don't remember the writing style of this and I don't know where I'm going with this story anymore, and slowly making progress on the Pinkie Promise. Other than that I have major Writer's Block so please forgive me.
          I'm making as much progress as possible.


Hello, my lovelies!
          So, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be gone for a week on vacation. 
          BUT, during that vacation, I'll be working on MCS and Dear Stars, so don't fret. 
          I'm sorry for not being able to update as often as I'd like. 
          I love you all!
          I apologize. 
          -Alicia C. 


          It's been quite a while. My apologies...?
          I updated "Dear Stars..." and I'll be updating again soon... If I decide to not be lazy again.
          I'm trying to finish the next chapter of "My Criminal Story" but it's taking much longer than I had expected so I'm kind of sad about that.
          Also, I'll be removing "Killer-1" because thee's somehing I want to do with it. So, basically, you won't be seeing it for a while.
          It'll begin once again after My Criminal Story is over. 
          I apologize in advance for my lack of activity.
          -Alicia C. (RecklessOptimist)


Hello my lovelies,
          I just wanted to let you know that I'm currently working on the next chapter of My Criminal Story, and Dear Stars, but I have not YET begun the re-make of K-1, which I highly doubt that I'll be able to start any time soon. 
          So I've decided that I was going to finish Dear Stars first, and once I have that one out of the way, I could get started on K-1. But for now, I'll just leave it there for all of you to read my horrible work. XD
          Thank you for being so patient with me and my laziness. I promise you that the next chapter of both stories will be up very soon.


Hullo my lovelies,
          I just wanted to let you know that I'll be putting K-1, TMG and MCS on hold for now until the NaNoWriMo July is over. I want to actually try and put in an effort on finishing Dear Stars before July is over since I've been spending a lot of time off of it and I'm barely at 2, 000 words yet. Not even.
          But don't worry, I'll start again once July is over.
          If you have any questions about anything at all, don't be afraid to ask!
          ~Alicia C. a.k.a. RecklessOptimist


          So, I updated a new chapter of MCS (My Criminal Story) after weeks of Writer's Block. I don't know where the story is going, but I think some intense stuff is going to start happening. 
          But for those of you who HAVEN'T read it, you should go check it out. Of course, I love all my stories, but I think MCS was is my best one out of all of them. 
          So, go check it out while I finish working on the rest of the bloody stories.
          Next update will be K-1, then TMG (The Millennium Game), then I'll be posting a new short story!
          Yes, I like making multiple stories at once. It's a huge fault of mine.
          ~Alicia C. a.k.a. RecklessOptimist