
Hello everyone! It's been away for a ridiculously long time.  Unfortunately, I really didn't have motivation or time to write.  I think that my readers could tell when my writing declined.  I have a lot of inspiration and ideas to write, but as most writers know, actually writing these ideas isn't so easy.  I don't know if I really want to continue with fan fictions, but I feel like I owe it to my readers to finish them, so we will see where that goes.  My hopes for this account is to start writing new material.  I won't be deleting my old stories, because people really seem to love them.  It's odd to think that people find the stories that I've written three years ago any good because I'm pretty much afraid to look at them.  So just know, whatever happens with this account, I will be keeping my old stories.  I am not going to try to edit them or anything, so if you are looking back at my old stuff and see how horrendous it is, just realize I was like 14 at the time. For me, it is what it is and I'm not embarrassed by my old work because there are people out there who like it. (Btw,  almost 75k reads on If the Heart is Always Searching???? Wow...)


Hello everyone! It's been away for a ridiculously long time.  Unfortunately, I really didn't have motivation or time to write.  I think that my readers could tell when my writing declined.  I have a lot of inspiration and ideas to write, but as most writers know, actually writing these ideas isn't so easy.  I don't know if I really want to continue with fan fictions, but I feel like I owe it to my readers to finish them, so we will see where that goes.  My hopes for this account is to start writing new material.  I won't be deleting my old stories, because people really seem to love them.  It's odd to think that people find the stories that I've written three years ago any good because I'm pretty much afraid to look at them.  So just know, whatever happens with this account, I will be keeping my old stories.  I am not going to try to edit them or anything, so if you are looking back at my old stuff and see how horrendous it is, just realize I was like 14 at the time. For me, it is what it is and I'm not embarrassed by my old work because there are people out there who like it. (Btw,  almost 75k reads on If the Heart is Always Searching???? Wow...)


Hi my name is Deezy!!!! I read your outsiders fan fiction, and I loved it!!! It was so entertaining and so well written!!! I am very much looking forward to reading some of your other works. I would, however, like to ask if you were to be so kind and go and read a few of my pieces. I really have only three things out, but I would really appreciate it if you could read them, commit, like, and share!!! I'm under Lil deezy98, thank you!!!!!


@lildeezy98 Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I've been off of this account for about a year so if I get back into wattpad I will definitely check out some of your work! (I am really busy at the moment) <3


OMG I could have sworn I was already following u cuz I found u on wattpad right while I was reading the outsiders... but when I went to your profile, the follow button was un clicked!!! Whaaaaat?! Anyway- let me tell ya something guuuuurl- you give the BEST ADVICE EVER, you hear me?! I mean, most of my comments r like, "awesome, update, yada yada yada!" and when I ask people for feedback, there like "oh your writing doesn't need changes its perfect!" Now I aint no amateur- my writing most certainly needs some work! Your comment, is like, the only real comment!!! Yay, u go girl!!! So, you know, it would b sooooo cool if ya read like the whole book and the whole trilogy and gave me some of your lovely advice... If you r busy I get that im busy to hahaha but ya know, it would b pretty nice ...


omg sorry I just saw this now but thank you so much :D  that means a lot to know that people actually like what I have to say!  I'll definitely try to check it out, as soon as I have some free reading time lol.


Hello readers, I think I am ready to start updating and editing my stories.  My whole account is a mess tbh and I really need to change some things.  Also, I am looking for a new cover for Why I Love You so if you artistic in that way, let me know.  I am going to try to update One Hot Summer even though I have no inspiration for it, but my readers deserve updates.  Finally I want to start writing some of my original stories and maybe a new 1D fanfics.  My only issue with the fanfics is that I worry I might be wasting my time on it.  I don't know how much longer people will want to read 1D stories, in four months people could be over it.  While that is very unlikely I want to make sure people will read my fanfics and that in two years it will be worthless to have stored on my computer and this account.  I think that's my main struggle with writing; I feel like I am wasting my time.  I don't know why I feel that way, but I do.  But then another part of me thinks that writing shouldn't be about how many people read it, it should be for my entertainment and if people want to read, then they will.  I'm sorry for my inactiveness on here, but if you knew my schedule you'd know how busy I am.


heyy you should update! I'm missing Why I Love You and it's killing me not knowing what happens next :(


@Omgthatssorandom yeah it got deleted or something... I'll contact Wattpad.  I hope I can get it back :/


I think it said it posted but when I looked it wasn't posted