@ConverseConvos i like to call myself fluent, but that's a bit of a stretch of the imagination. Considering i have an exam in a few days, i should catch up too (ahem)!
@GhostOfGamesPast really? :O i figured it would be the best way to make her survival realistic... because what prepares you better for slaughtering herds of zombies than the army?
@ConverseConvos i like to call myself fluent, but that's a bit of a stretch of the imagination. Considering i have an exam in a few days, i should catch up too (ahem)!
@GhostOfGamesPast huh. Cool. I guess i should compliment you on your english then? You must live somewhere where you speak it often or a lot, it's very good.
@RedEyedTreeFrog - hey I speak very little french (like the basics; je, suis, graçon, l'homme, le, la, femme, fille, the basics) I really need to catch up on it though. Haha.
@GhostOfGamesPast even the tabarnac (this is how my brain works: it isn't reaaaaally swearing if it's in french)? More people speak french than i think!