
I know it's a bit late but Happy 2017!


Assalamu'alaikum... Mampir di cerita aku yuuk "tanya jawab seputar islam". Ada postingan terbaru loooh. 
          Ini mengenai apa? Ini menjawab dari sekian pertanyaan yg sering bgt ditanyakan seputar agama Islam. Yuuk cuuss... 


Hi can you please check out my story Bad Romance? I've been trying to get on my grind lately and I really need some feedbacks if my writting is good or not so I can make up the decision on whether or not I would delete my stories. I hope you have a great day and please dont forget to share my story to the others. Bye~♡♡♡


Yo if are looking at this profile, please exit, there is nothing more to expect here, unless you wanna read any of these old stories. This profile ain't going anywhere and nothing's ever gonna happen here so feel free to unfollow this account.


Because I sorta got rejected out of this account by Wattpad...


Is anybody here reading my stories? I don't really care if you do or not but it's nice to get some votes and comments on them!