M'name's Riiv! Asexual and genderfluid, any pronouns work for me. I'm a writer in practice and a freelance artist! Fair warning: Slow updates! Gotta leave time for drawing too, you know?

My stories may be mixed with/contain references to some of the following:
•Undertale (and the UTMV)
•One Piece
•Ori and the Blind Forest
•Ever Oasis
•SCP Containment Breach
•Monster Hunters (and all games/shows/movies relating to it)
•DreamSMP/Origins SMP

(PhantomPringles was my old account. It still exists, but not for too much longer. Once I get everything sorted out, I'll delete it.)
  • in a publix shopping cart
  • DołączyłFebruary 4, 2021

Dzieło autorstwa Riiv
Tenebrous autorstwa Reyminiscence
•ten·e·brous /ˈtenəbrəs/ (adjective) dark; shadowy or obscure. There is another realm parallel to the human w...
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