
Hello Guys! Sorry it's been such a long time. I now have some time on my hands and I've finally started a new story which I hope you will enjoy! I hope to be able to update relatively often, feel free to check it out!


Hello Guys! Sorry it's been such a long time. I now have some time on my hands and I've finally started a new story which I hope you will enjoy! I hope to be able to update relatively often, feel free to check it out!


Hey guys, it's been a long time. Apologies for not posting in such a long time but life has gotten in the way. I've updated my Sidemen One Shots book wit ha few new stories, so if you'd like to check them out then that would be much appreciated! I'm hoping to start writing slightly more often, I can't commit to anything but I enjoy it a lot so I'd like to start producing more stories! Anyways, sorry for my rambling! thanks guys, Riak64 :)


Hello everyone, it's been a long time! It's been quite the hectic summer for me to say the least hence no writing, however, I now have a bit of free time so I'm going to see if I can put some things out! I hope to start getting back into writing again! Many thanks, Riak64 :)


Hey guys, my life is ridiculously busy at the moment and it looks like it will be throughout the summer, if I have any free time I'll try and write something but that isn't looking likely, I'm so so sorry about this!


Hey guys, I'm really sorry I haven't written anything in so long but I've had so much work to do and that is going to be the case for a lot longer it seems, I don't know when I'll be next able to post something, but once I can I'll let you all know, apologies for this!


Hey guys I'm really sorry I haven't been able to update for such a long time, I've just had absolutely loads of work over the past month, hopefully I'll be able to update soon and reveal some exciting news that you might have heard about already, sorry again!


Hey guys, I'm currently in the middle of uni exams but I might be able to upload tonight, I was wondering if any of you would be keen on the idea of writing a Star Wars story after I've finished 10 years? I'm going to probs do a sequel and I'm thinking of doing one shots, I'm not really sure what to do XD