“Confetti” Can you count the confetti lying on the floor? Show me, I’d like to know. Can you count the stars above the frozen snow? Cause bet you, I’d stop when the time runs out. Fly my fellow eagle you have more to travel, Soar high until the clock stops ticking. Remember life is like a piece of clock, Tick tock, Tick tock confetti all about. Count the confetti for me birthday girl. Bet you’ll stop at the number 22. You have more confettis to count keep doing more, I’ll be here until it becomes higher than I know. Count the stars for me birthday girl. Bet you’ll stop at the frozen snow. Let me tell you that’s how life goes, It keeps going on no matter the holes. Can you fix the stars and confetti for me little girl? Bet you can’t because that’s how it belongs. Let’s stop the time and count the skies, Oh wait there’s only one, one above our eyes.

This is a poem that I made for Ate Aly for her birthday back in 2018. I am deleting my Facebook public posts and comments but I want to save this one. <3

You can’t count the confetti as well as your age. Your life is like a clock. It will keep ticking like a soaring eagle in the sky. No matter how frozen the snow is. You can’t count the stars flickering on the sky. Just like your life that can stop in an unexpected time. You can’t fix life as well as everything. We are all in a single sky. One is darker one is light. By which means we all belong in the same time. Enjoy your time while it lasts earthling!