Happy New Year! Hopefully updates will be more normal than they were in 2024, especially the ending part. I did not mean to write about 1mil words, but here we are with rougly around 1,119,394 words. (But that is with a lot of chapters not edited or posted, so that is going to change.)
2mil anyone? For this year? ;) (Probably not, especially due to my ever changing work schedule and the fact that I want to actually update more of what I write.)
But here's to ya'll for an amazing and eventful 2024. Thank you all for being so supportive of me and wanting to see what I have to offer and understanding of why I don't update that often, even though I have calendars upon calendars that have dates on when a book should be updated, what should be written, etc.
Anyway, ya'll have no idea how much it means to me, and I am very happy.
I will be updating something today and hopefully more stuff to get caught up, but that is going to have to depend on work.
I did have a small meltdown at work today, so ya... That was fun.
But ya, here's to a better 2025 and me turning another decade older in Sept. (Wish me luck because I still have no idea how I should feel about it.)
Thanks again and see ya'll in books.
~ Rissa