
Welp, that might be it for updating unless I am able to finish this chapter that will be posted tomorrow. Power has been going in and out and just turned back on while my dad was in the shower. I think we should be leaving soon.
          	More updates will happen over the weekend, especially Monday and Tuesday when I am home from where I have gone.
          	So ya, bye.


Hi Rissale 
          Just wanted to let you know I really enjoy reading your stories. I was also wondering if you could add text to speech on them? As I listen when I’m driving or doing house work. I still read but not as much as I listen. 
          Your fan


@RachWriters Thank you, but unfortunately, I don't think I have the mental capacity to actually do it... I am fine with what I am doing at the moment. I appreciate it though.


@M0mmabear3 I don't know how to do that. Wattpad does it automatically.


Welp, that might be it for updating unless I am able to finish this chapter that will be posted tomorrow. Power has been going in and out and just turned back on while my dad was in the shower. I think we should be leaving soon.
          More updates will happen over the weekend, especially Monday and Tuesday when I am home from where I have gone.
          So ya, bye.


So... my dad and I were supposed to do a 5k today that had me waking up at 7am so that we could leave the house by 7:30am. We aren't doing it because it is raining and "cold." (I guess 40 is kind of cold for us Georgians from the States, but I digress.) 
          Anyway, I have troubles sleeping as it is and will not be able to fall back asleep, so I guess that means there are going to be some updates for ya'll until we go to Florida. Lemme finish up some tasks and then we will see what gets updated.
          I do have like 200 chapters for ya'll so I am working on getting those posted while meeting writing daily quota and surprassing it.
          Stay safe out there and we'll talk soon.


Apparently, wattpad's notifications about story updates aren't working. (or at least on my end.)
          So here is a list of the stories that have been updated so far since Saturday. I will write a new message tonight after work if I update something else or for ya'll to keep an eye out for because I am using the schedule feature, too, while I try to get my life in order.
          Anyway, here is the list of updates and then when you should check back for chapters. I still have like 500 chapters left to edit and then more that I need to write and edit, so it is going to change.
          The Untold Story of Prince Charming- x1
          The Shifter from Another World- Will be posting Feb 8th
          The Gifted- x1
          So this is Love- x1
          The Children of the Gems- x3
          They Call Me Luna- x3 (one chapter posting Feb 7th)
          When the World Turns Red- x1 (posting Feb 9th)
          More will come up later. I am hoping to at least do two maybe three more chapters tonight and then will have more coming tomorrow. I still have to finish writing quota today, which is only 401 words.
          So ya, I am going to edit some more and will let you all know what else has gotten updated or will get updated in the upcoming days.


@HeatherIotte Ya, watt is not working notifications well again


            I dont just mean with you. I follow a lot of writers, and there is usually constant chatter, but there have been none the last couple of days.


@HeatherIotte It has been a bit silent on my end while I write and work on chapters and not edit them to post... xD


Happy New Year! Hopefully updates will be more normal than they were in 2024, especially the ending part. I did not mean to write about 1mil words, but here we are with rougly around 1,119,394 words. (But that is with a lot of chapters not edited or posted, so that is going to change.)
          2mil anyone? For this year? ;) (Probably not, especially due to my ever changing work schedule and the fact that I want to actually update more of what I write.)
          But here's to ya'll for an amazing and eventful 2024. Thank you all for being so supportive of me and wanting to see what I have to offer and understanding of why I don't update that often, even though I have calendars upon calendars that have dates on when a book should be updated, what should be written, etc.
          Anyway, ya'll have no idea how much it means to me, and I am very happy.
          I will be updating something today and hopefully more stuff to get caught up, but that is going to have to depend on work.
          I did have a small meltdown at work today, so ya... That was fun.
          But ya, here's to a better 2025 and me turning another decade older in Sept. (Wish me luck because I still have no idea how I should feel about it.)
          Thanks again and see ya'll in books.
          ~ Rissa


Readers: As you all may have noticed, I have added the book summaries that I have been planning to add since my birthday.
          I will be starting to update them sometime tonight or tomorrow while I continue to update what I have.
          However, I will be out of town/going out of town from this afternoon and until Monday morning. I have no idea how much I will be able to get done, but thankfully, I do not work as much as I had been doing in the past.
          Hopefully, I will be able to finish updating everything by the end of next week, but I also have a lot writing that I want to do so I can get caught up and ahead on chapters.
          Thank you all for your constant support and I hope you all have a wonderful New Year.
          And now to get ready to leave in two hours.


MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I will continue to update books later on today and into tomorrow. I was going to do the whole timeline thing for them, but it didn't work out... Work had been a pain in the butt, and ya. I worked a 10 hour shift on Christmas Eve, and that was not fun at all.
          Now I am going to go to bed because I had been up for more than twelve hours, and no matter how hard I am trying to stay up to keep editing this books for you, I can't.
          So ya, good night/ good morning, and I will be back later with more updates.


READERS! I hate writing messages like this because this has been happening constantly, (or I would assume constantly) but people have been stealing my book and putting it onto paid to read sites.
          Do NOT read them because I am not getting compensated for it at all. My books are FREE here for a reason. (Mainly because I still think the books are crap and am just out here thinking I can write, but that is besides the point.)
          If you do see my books on paid to write sites and not solely on wattpad, please, please let me know so that I can get them taken down and please repoet the books because again they have been stolen and are being used for other peoples' gain with no regards to me or the time and energy (or the lack thereof) that I have/had to endure.
          You can message me at rissalewriter on insta/twitter or through my email, which is rissa.clever@gmail.com
          But please don't send me messages about how you want my books on your site because most of the time it is going to be no.
          Anyway, updates are slowly but surely coming in. I am going to be doing some more as soon as I feed my beasts (cats) and ya. I don't work again until 5pm tomorrow, so let's see what I can do writing/editing wise. 
          I am still working for a mass update on Christmas, but I am still working 7-10hrs prior to that with basically an open to close shift on Christmas Eve.
          But ya thats it.


@RissaleWriter I just want to say I have read a few of your books on here (I only use wattpad and novelflow) and I know for a fact your books are amazing please keep writing and sharing with us your amazing talent


            I’ll try to see if I can find any of your booms


Hi I'm just wondering if Santa's princess would be finished anytime soon please? It's a great series so far but I'm curious when it might be finished or if they might have been released elsewhere if they were finished but not on here.......I know your busy but could you please let me know thanks


@susiesbooks21 I have a few chapters written that I am hoping to post over the next couple of days. I am not sure when it will be finished though. Fingers are crossed that it will be finished in 2025, but life sometimes happens or not wanting to write, edit, etc...


Readers! Regular updates will resume on December 1st. Forgive me for the lack of updates. I have been working a lot and then trying to catch up on the seven Nano books that I have been working on since Nov 1st. I am still behind on everything except for The Reincarnated, so... ya. There will be a lot of The Reincarnated chapters that will be updated.
          Thanks again for being patient with me. I know that it is very annoying to wait for me and my scattered brain.