Hey there everyone! Long time since I've been online huh? Well I have some good and bad news.
First let's start with the bad one.
I sadly won't countinue the book My lil' E-girl because I found it really cringe, plus let's just not talk about the grammar, and how fast all the things in it is going. Maybe later on I'll do a rewrite or something but I'm not entirely sure.
And now it's time for the good part!
So I've recently got into the Undertale fandom and oh, how much I love it! And after a while I discovered the AUs and all the Sanses with them. I found them interesting, and fallen into it way more than I think I should have-. Anyways to say the least I really like it and I decided to make a book as I feel like that my grammar and writing has inproved since. Well let's just say.. I read some books for 'insparation' and I thought that maybe an x reader book would be the best, and ofc I started wondering which one should I write about. Well Cross!Sans was one of my favourite so I started one of him. And yes soon I'll start publishing the new book that is going to be a Cross!Sans x reader one. I want to make a few chapters first before I start the publishing so you guys won't suffer from my writers block. I want to publish the first few chapters before school starts and publish one every week if possible. I'll probaly make some type of schedule for it so you guys can calculate when will the next chapter come out.
Well that's all I wanted to say and I hope that I can keep my word. Take care everyone and when I have any news I'll post here. Bye bye!<3