I love love love love love READING
But I also have decided to start writing and I appreciate all of you who read my stories and visit my profile. I hope you are having a great second/minute/hour/day/week/month/year/decade/century
  • انضمApril 7, 2024


قصص بقلم Jessa Jade Sandiago
My version of mostly Christmas songs///////tehe بقلم Robot_Swimmer
My version of mostly Christmas son...
some may not be under age 15+ appropriate, but I know you wont listen so you have been warned now.😛
+1 أكثر
The Mafia's Queen بقلم Robot_Swimmer
The Mafia's Queen
when she is kidnapped Marcelene Warren, has no choice but to marry the mafia Boss, but...... she might be in...
1 قائمة قراءة