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I really joined this app 8 years like woaaaaahhhh never wrote a book, never read a single fanfic (I hate them) and fell in love with romance books because of wattpad. I kept it a secret, never talked about reading on here or pulling all nighters with it coz this is where I learnt about s*x (gasp!) hahaha but 8 years later and turns out EVERYONE was on here at least according to tiktok haha never knew it was only for fanfics for some tho(I’m judging! Lol) Anyways the point is time fucking flies and THOSE OF US WHO HAVE BEEN ON HERE FOREVER are now the ones giving Netflix all the teen movie ideas and publishing real ass books that are legit and read by people which also get made into movies like wow. Talking about wattpad on twitter or tiktok still blows my mind coz I have such a big habit of hiding it but idk how I feel- amazement at things that evolve? Regret that I didn’t write something that would probably be a movie now(I couldn’t have lol)? Shame for not fully embracing it? Because wattpad has shaped me GREATLY and I guess that is where I’m stumped what does it mean and who else will understand all this about me like who??? (Prolly a therapist lol but nvm that)