
Sorry I haven't been posting...I have been experiencing a break up and I just don't feel like writing. Im slowly working on each story one by one but I will try to get a chapter out tonight hopefully


I am proud to announce that my new book is out!!! Long Distance Memory has a post-apocalyptic sort of story but adding in a little romance when the main character finds a woman that he falls in love with. The prologue is the only thing out right now and is really short so you should go give it a read to see if you're interested in the story. That's all for me!!! The next chapters of this story should come soon!!


Sorry for the second announcement in a day but I would love to announce that I am going to start a real fantasy novel here on Wattpad. I am going to start writing it soon but the book cover may take a while. If you would like to see more of my own inspired works than talk to me if you prefer the youtube fanfictions than also tell me because I enjoy making both and I love all the support everyone gives me on my stories I am truly grateful every one of you!!


I have always loved watching documentaries about our world and how to help Earth. When I found out about the #PlanetOrPlastic contest, I knew I was going to instantly want to make a story. If you want, read my new short story about Derek the Turtle and his journey in the polluted world. I would also love to hear your feedback on it as well. Thank you!!


So no one probably cares but I have a crush irl and I have a strong feeling he likes me too. I was at one of my friend's houses and my crush was there and all my friends are guys so don't even. I had told that I liked my crush on my friend and he acted really different around me. We were hitting water bottles with a bat, (don't ask) and he accidentally hit me with the water bottle and he reached in and hugged me. He has NEVER done that before. The rest of the day he was hugging me and when I was sitting on my friend's recliner couch he brought the recliner down from behind and looked at me from above. We have always been joking but he was even trying to hold my hand sometimes. I am trying not to be obvious that I like him because he has a girlfriend and I am close friends with her. She really loves him and I don't want to act like I am stealing him from her because I really am not. Another thing I would like to mention is that when we get to school he gets me a parfait with his own money and he shows up at my house all the time. But I have a plan to tell him. Tomorrow I am going to try to tell him and I am scared but I think it is going to be ok.


My new book "Mixed Emotions" Is getting a lot of views and a lot of people who say they cannot wait for the next one. This book has taken me a lot of time and a lot of thinking about what I want to add next. I love each chapter that goes out and the reason that I wanted to post a message was that for the next few chapters, there might be some more different for a love story. The chapter is going to come out in a few hours or that's what I hope for.


I know, you are all probably sick of my posts but I have a serious question for all of you... well two I guess.. I will be quick because I don't want to waste your time. The first is, would you like me to tell a little about myself? Second is, what do you want to see more of in my books? Any suggestions? 


Well... I did it again... another chapter of another book. This time, it's a different book. Still youtube, still a ship, but still succeeded. I decided because I put "Mature Themes" on stories that for my new Sharrett fanfiction would actually be mature. So this story is going to have more detail in the upcoming chapters and I'm excited. Check it out!!


Hey everybody!! Have you gotten tired of the same YouTuber ships?? Well, I am going to change that now! I am working on a Sharrett ship!! Sharrett is Shane Dawson and Garrett Watts. I think it's a really cute ship and the first chapter will be out today!! Thank you!!