
Thank you to everyone who has read FATES! It has over 700 reads now! I'll see what I can do to continue writing and updating this summer! :)


I know where I want to go with FATEs, I just need to find time to write it! For some reason all of my classes feel the desire to have large papers due this week. >:-( I am going to be so happy when I graduate on May 17th!


The chapter rewrite for fates is coming along nicely. What I'm writing now could possibly change how Lilly feels about him, but I really don't want that to happen so I'll think of something to make their relationship work. :) Anyway, I'll hopfully have an update for you guys in a few days if I have access to internet then, if not, then when I get back to school from christmas break! Happy Holidays! :)


College writing peer reviews! Yay! -_- I so don't have time for this right now. I wanna write a resume and cover letter for Spanky's restaurant. I wanna write some more in Fates so ya'll can read it. And most of all I wanna go to work, vent to my bff and then go to sleep at a descent time for once in like 2 weeks. but no. I'll be up late doing these dang peer reviews. :( I swear I'll write over Christmas break though you guys! I'm so sorry it's taking so long.