So, whattt if I got back into hermitpad? Honestly it's great to see so many people still active here, and i'm starting to reallyyyy miss the old helsmits, watcher grian, season six and such shenanigans from the pre-life series era. And I'm probably better at writing now, if I could get over my perfectionism for a minute. Genuinely curious, does anyone remember me from 2021? I used to be pretty active, but it’s been a good couple years since then and I don’t think I was ever super well known. Anyway, yeah, hi again! And if anyone has any helsmits fics lying around… gimme please this is a robbery :}

@RoseBlueJay HHHHHIIIIII BLUEJAYYY!!!!! I REMEMBER YOU!!!!! We were in Ember's Vex vs Watcher battle together!!! It's good to have you back, I hope life is going well for you!! <33