
Guys do you think I should make another quiz book??? since you guys liked my first one I'd did


Rock n roll high will be here soon.
          Tonight will be the interduchion premiere of rock n roll high, guys please don't miss it, and Saturday morning episode one of the book will be updated.
          It is released at 9:00 am tomorrow so don't miss it.


@Roseibosy oh yes i almost forgot, at 5:00 tonight is the interduchion premiere.


Why I love my bfn bray in real life more then
          My fantasy guy????
          The reason why I love bray in real life more then Eddie, well for one my bf remids me of Eddie and for two Eddie is not real he is fiction, but bray is real and I can actually hug him and kiss him.
          Why my bf reminds me of Eddie Munson??
          Well he reminds me of Eddie Munson is because he's a Leo just like Eddie, and my bfn act's like him a little, so I can simply over Eddie and mentally date Eddie, because him and bray switch places so I can be with them at the same time.


Hey guys it's me Jax
          I will not be posting for a while, guys I'm not going on hyetes, I'm just going to be posting
          For a while because I can not be simping over a fictional character 24/7 I have a man in real life who I must love and care for, guys me and Eddie are still together mentally, but I have a bf in real life .
          Eddie is brayden hehe , guys my bf in real life is real and Eddie is just my fantasy hubby.