~✦~✦~✦~✦~✦~✦~ About Me ~✦~✦~✦~✦~✦~✦~✦~

Name:- Pichi Kotaisu
Age:- 14
Date (Last Updated):- 23/11/2021

Likes:- Pandas, Anime, Purple, Manga, A-teeny-tiny-bit-of-violence, Birthdays, Spicy Foods, Books, Holidays, Other stuff.

Dislikes:- Lockermate, Annoying Siblings, Greens (Broccoli, spinach, etc.), Vomit and Puke, Illnesses and Viruses.
Side Acc:- @-Kochi-
  • Luminescent Sillouhette
  • SumaliNovember 24, 2021


Kuwento ni ☆ Rosy ^^ ~ ❤︎
Luminescence \\ May and Drew \\ Contestshipping ni Rosyapocalypse
Luminescence \\ May and Drew \\ Co...
May denies having feelings for Drew... but the luminescence lies in the unknown... Another coordinator joins...