

Some keen readers may notice all my stories are gone. This is not a glitch, I have deleted them all. Looking back, I am filled with regret and anger towards past me and my literary atrocities, and I know many of you found enjoyment in them, but I could not live with them on the internet anymore. So, I have deleted them. 
          Some of you may be upset at this news (heaven knows why), and I apologise to you specifically. It is just that, reading those old works of mine fills me with such self hatred that I hardly know what to do with myself. I am taking them down to maybe reclaim my internet persona, and some sanity.
          I could have more works coming out soon, but they will be of a different nature and tone altogether. I may never even put them online. 
          So , I apologise, and say goodbye, for this may be the last you see of me.
          - Your friend,


@frightenedtoasters If you feel sad, it think that's a sign you should go back into writing. And thanks, I am enjoying the series I'm currently working on.


@Roxy50angel I wish you the best as well my friend. I hope you start to enjoy writing and can enjoy what you write as well. I read one of the things I wrote once and was sad I didn't write more .


@frightenedtoasters It is not an embarrassment at all! It is my most popular work! I wouldn't blame you if that's the only reason you stayed or if you left because they were gone. As a fanfic reader myself I have a lot of appreciation for others who enjoy it. I'm glad you find comfort in my work. I wish the best for you.


Hello. You are my favorite author ever. And I read ALOT, so that has to mean something. Anyways have fun, and please keep writing! Bye,
          Pinecone Queen


It’s great!!


So I have a request and idk how rob pm u on my phone with the watt pad app so I'm just going to do it here xd(btw it's for sander sides since I see u r on a creative low for ur oneshots)


Uh... sorry for not getting back to you sooner but currently I am not taking requests except for special circumstances.


It's enough angst and fluff to satisfy everyone;D


So it starts off with Virgil and Logan being in a relationship and roman gets all mad when he sees Logan verbally abusing Virgil because roman has a crush on him, so roman fights Logan because cliche and Virgil is in the background all conflicted because now he's in love with roman but he's to scared to leave his relationship with Logan(also human/high school ah and roman pov)
            This is why I'm not a writer xd