
Should I revamp an old account? Of so what MHA character? Was thinking maybe like- A Deku or Male Uravity 


Alpha/Omega Dynamics 
          This Kirishima is, obviously, a Bartender, and owner of the bar 'Devils Riot'. Quirks aren't a thing in this Au. Any superheros are considered Firemen and Policemen, or in comic books.
          This Kirishima is considered a Beta, he gives off no scent and is calmer than most of the other ranks. 
          However, he is in fact, an Omega. His scent is often covered up by Cigarettes and scent patches. He can also be an Alpha- if that's what you'd like. I'll probably switch between them to be fair. 
          His Omega scent is Coconut and Pineapples. The coconut is considered something string and sturdy, the pineapple visualized in the same way. Also it kinda is a reminder of Pina colada's. He owns a bar after all-
          His alpha scent is often said to be Oakwood with a hint of pear, two common scents from the smell of Whiskey. 
          Either way, even though he wears a Scent patch (hidden by his enormous amount of dyed red hair), and is either one of these secondary genders, he still acts like a beta. I'm not saying he won't have those moments where he acts like his secondary gender, his heats/ruts hit harder than hell. He shuts down the bar during the full mating week with the excuse of 'not wanting to contribute to anything happening' and because he's hiding during it so he doesn't harm or mate with anyone. He's twenty nine with no mate, he wants to keep it that way.


Random starter: SFW, Possible alcohol warning, Possible cursing, Kirishima is gay boi, possible NSFW if wanted
          There's something weird playing pool with a bartender that should, obviously, be at the bar. However, considering the fact he owned the establishment, you couldn't say anything. Plus, it was just then getting fun, the black ball being the only one left for the two of you to make in.
          You have no doubt he could win, just as easily as you could in not better, and he showed it in the next few seconds as he leaned over, snapped his pool stick forward after calling out the hole he was certain the ball would make it in, and completely stood you up as he won. 
          "Perhaps you could practice some more. I can give you some pointers?" 
          Had anyone else said that, you would have thought they were mocking you, thankfully he was a thoroughly nice guy, and was genuinely ready to help out when he could. In fact, it seemed he was ready to help you out by playing another game. 


            Face brightening up, he shoved his face into the ashy haired males stomach once more. "I-I didn't mean it-" he had just been joking when he said what he did, however now he felt more embarrassed that he was right. "Can we go home?" He peeked up bashfully 


            Letting the shirt fall from his mouth, he purred out. "If you're gay for me~" he began to grab for the bottle- sadly in his reach from where he put it down earlier. 


            Gently tugging on the shirt, creating small holes with his teeth, he grinned playfully. And though the shirt caused restrictions, he spoke out anyways, albeit a little muffled and slurred. "Seeing." 


* poke *


@RuffledRockBoy !!
            ah - i see
            it 's no problem babs^^


@greedlsms but thanks anyways for the thought- really kind of you uwu


@greedlsms oh!
            Ah- it's not. I just kinda- deleted all the older posts 


this message may be offensive
The red haired man dodged into the alleyway, figured fishing out a pack of cigarettes. A low sigh slipped through him as he lit a cancer stick and took a long, deep drag. As much as he loved the bar and all of its patrons, he couldn't help but feel the exhaustion of 'The Devils Riot'. The hardcore music often sounded like a club, and it caused a stinging ache in his head for the sixth time today. 
          He watched as the smoke filled the air, spreading and moving away from him. He ran a tongue over his lips, dampening them before taking another inhale of something that could kill him in the future. Sure, the men and woman were fun to talk to (though they did most of the talking), and sure, it was always interesting to listen to men gripe as they lost at the six different tables in the bar, but even he could only take so much.
          Snuffing the thin stick out before tossing it to the ground, bound to pick it up later, he began to head back inside, smiling wide as he saw a peppermint headed rich man sitting at the bar. Daddy issues were common around here, and no patron was ever kicked out without a real reason. It's game time, time to serve up the best fucking cherry bomb shots this man has ever had. 


@RuffledRockBoy // okay good because I don’t like doing anything sexual or reading stuff that’s sexual if you know what I mean


@CrimsonSamandColby //I think that's a fine name for an oc- however, fair warning, I won't be able to do anything sexual.//


/ do you think that’s a good name for my oc?)