I’m a person who lives in several places and times at once. I often talk nonsense or stare off into space. I am fond of the words mermaid, lovely, blue, shiny, and perhaps. I don’t know my left from my right; I have to make the L’s with my hands all the time. I look like my father and act like my mother, which is frightening but at least I know what I’ll be like when I’m in my thirties. I hope to be a published author one day.


If you like my writing here, please check out my tumblr (http://theluckycrow.tumblr.com). I post random things, occasional poems, and dialogue scraps from anything I happen to be working on at the time.

  • varies
  • InscritFebruary 3, 2013


Histoire par Hannah C
Every Breath par Rune221
Every Breath
"Every breath I take is its own rebellion. I'm still alive. Do you see? I'm still breathing."
ranking #791 dans la catégorie every Voir tous les classements