
I posted more chapters to my newest story. Check em out. 


I can’t believe it’s been a year (a week short of a year but still) I’ve missed this. 
          I just want to announce that it doesn’t matter how bad things may be right now or how bad things get. Things work out. You find people you want to be around that want to be around you. You do good things. You become yourself. 
          I know from personal experience. I promise to everyone, your life is either good or getting better. 


Posted a new chapter. Even though nobody cares. Read it. Or don't. You probably don't even see this message. This is probably put into you're spam or junk mail. 


@RykerReject I'm sorry I love your work but lately I've been working on multiple massive projects and I didn't have time to read it yet.


Rykerrrr miss ya buddy! How's life treatin ya? (sounded less douchey in my head xD)


Great. We need to talk more!!


@rewiredstereo lol. Miss ya too. Life's treating me ok. How's it going for You?