
I'm starting to fall apart
          	Nothing is getting done, and I'm barely getting any work on my drawings. I'm starting to lose it, as I'm trying to keep this together, but I'm failing. I'm not sure what to do, and I don't want to let this go. Please help me. I'm desperately needing it rn.


I'm starting to fall apart
          Nothing is getting done, and I'm barely getting any work on my drawings. I'm starting to lose it, as I'm trying to keep this together, but I'm failing. I'm not sure what to do, and I don't want to let this go. Please help me. I'm desperately needing it rn.


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So, I'm not sure what to do for this FPE book of mine because nobody's helping me out on this, (and it makes me a little sad) so I don't have any ideas for chapter 5
          HOWEVER, I have recently finished up on completing the remodel of §, and he will be featured in a new story of mine, which I recently started working on (and you all get to see how bad my drawings are). So, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't really care about this (because no one usually does. I'm invisible like all the fucking time.) but it's here.....rotting away.....not being seen by anyone...
          Anyways...I'm gonna go slam my head against a wall. Later....


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@Dude98362 I'll say this. NC is gonna have some fucking competition....
            or just another challenger


@SDsp33ddem0n1 epic, I'd like to see how S interacts with laminax


          After about a few months of it drawn, I've finally decided to put forth the action and fully color the remodel of the mysterious entitiy himself, §! I'll go ahead and give you some added features for him. You're going to have to wait a little for the picture. I'm getting it done as quickly as possible. Note that I am horrible at digital coloring, so if you can make it a better style, contact me right here and see if you help. With all that being said, it's time for the new features!
          Added messier hair (idk why I did this)
          Scythe has been heavily remodled (will not be shown in the picture)
          Left eye finally has a visible pubile
          Right arm is now a metal claw that can cut through any material (yes, anything)
          § is now shock-proof.
          § can now unleash a fireball from his N.claw (charges up at first/Explodes on impact to walls)
          § has a new jacket. Light gray, hoodie, and pockets are dark grey. Skull icon in the middle 
          Right eye is finally normal.
          § has extendable pitch black claws, kinda like tentacles. (6)
          § Firey head has been removed. Nothing else has changed.
          §'s hair is longer, covers half his eyes
          Left eye will turn purple if angered (I hope yall get the reference)
          Expression seems calmer than before.
          That's all for the features. Pretty sure you don't want this on your notifications, but here it is.
          IMPORTANT: Remodled § will not exist in New students...? But it will be in a story comping up eventually. Stay tuned for the picture.


          So uh, I've been trying to think about what to put for chapter 5 of "New Students...?" But I keep hitting writer blocks. That and my discord has been taking up my time like never before, and it's really driving me crazy. Other than that, I'm stuck, and I could use a hand. Anyone got any ideas?


Just know that absolutely nothing has been done for chapter 5


:33< HI SD! itz nep, IM LOVING THE STORY SO FAR!!! >W< cant wait fur the next chapterrr


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@_Gay_Dinosaur_ hey nep, good to see you again, glad you're enjoying the story as much as I'm enjoying writing it, unfortunately, im taking a break until I fix my computer, but until then, stay tuned.
            also, tell my discord server that ill be back on my main soon (in a few days), this mother fucker finally got his phone fixed, but its resetted, so now i gotta go through THAT bullshit again


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          How are you doing today?


@Dude98362 wha- i-..
            ....SHUT UP!


@SDsp33ddem0n1 yes sire
            have fun sleeping...can't believe you people believe in sleep


@Dude98362 alr try looking at my book now, whatever you want to comment let me know
            im going to bed