este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
So, I guess this goes to all my followers, at least to those that still read the stuff I make and that aren't dead followers. I've been wanting to speak about things for a while, but just never bothered to just because I was putting off or just wasn't sure I needed to make this anyways. But no, this isn't about me quitting wattpad or leaving right now, at least not yet which I'll discuss. Basically there's a lot I need to speak about so I guess I start with as to why I haven't written as much for a while and more so since I started writing Just a Robot 5. First off I've hadn't the motivation to even write a chapter when I chose to, mainly just because I was tried of it. And this has being going off and on since I started Just a Robot 5 and really hasn't changed since, which also might have to do with my loss for the passion I had for the fnaf franchise. Honestly, I've distanced myself from the fandom and community around the games, mainly because I've grown out of it. I just felt the story was finished with 6 and that no main line games weren't really needed anymore, except seems the story is still continuing. Even so I've just moved on and out grown fnaf and just am more invested in other communities and franchises that I've grown up with and have more of an attachment with. Another reason for the delay in making chapters is just I'm older now than what I was making stories for the first time. I was in high school and really didn't do shit all do so I kinda had all the time now. Now I'm in college, have a part time job and summer job, and just have more responsibilities and less time to work on writing. As well as that writing is the least of what I want to do when I have free time, like playing video games, watching youtube or movies or whatever the hell else. This is a hobby, not a job, and I just rather be doing something else than writing at times. So yeah, that's why things have been slow for so long.