
este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Well, it's that time. Just a Robot 5 is done finally. Five years of being on this platform, 149 followers, and some goofy ass that wanted to make a Funtime Frexy shipping story that developed into a series and writing other books on this platform. It really has felt like fives years. To think I actually learned a lot from writing books on this platform, not that my grammar was shit and kinda still is, but how much I loved telling stories. It really is the closest thing to directing a movie or tv show, at least something like that basically. That has to come to an end. I don't need to list my reasons except that it's time to move on, focus on my life and future. I have to put this hobby to rest for good, though the things I learned from it will be put to use for my future and whatever else needed. I know that sounds vague and kinda cringe but what I'm trying to say is writing helped me improve me grammar, writing as a well, and wanting to tell stories. Hell, maybe I'll create stories on other things at some point in different ways. You never know. Still, it's been a good run and I'm happy with the time spent on here making stories and being cringe. It's just in my nature, you know? Again this started out with some high schooler wanting to make a shipping story that developed into a regular hobby. Life takes you to weird places sometimes. If anyone is wondering, no I will not delete this account it will be up as well as my stories as long as Wattpad keeps it up until something happens to it or Wattpad is gone. I mentioned this as well in the Just a Robot 5 book, but I'll still respond to comments or messages about any of my books when I can if anyone feels like it. Just won't be making anymore books on here and that won't change. So yeah. That's it. Nothing much else to say that hasn't been said. Again thank all of you, I really mean it. I guess this isn't really a goodbye but a see you later type of thing. So yeah. See you later everyone.


Man, Just a robot was one of my favorite series... I'm so sad its over. But its such a well done book. I hope to see something similar in the future!


@Eclipse_TheFox Thanks! Glad to know someone stuck through the whole series, and my long breaks between chapters. I hope for what it's worth you got something out of these books, whether its just enjoying them or something more.


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Well, it's that time. Just a Robot 5 is done finally. Five years of being on this platform, 149 followers, and some goofy ass that wanted to make a Funtime Frexy shipping story that developed into a series and writing other books on this platform. It really has felt like fives years. To think I actually learned a lot from writing books on this platform, not that my grammar was shit and kinda still is, but how much I loved telling stories. It really is the closest thing to directing a movie or tv show, at least something like that basically. That has to come to an end. I don't need to list my reasons except that it's time to move on, focus on my life and future. I have to put this hobby to rest for good, though the things I learned from it will be put to use for my future and whatever else needed. I know that sounds vague and kinda cringe but what I'm trying to say is writing helped me improve me grammar, writing as a well, and wanting to tell stories. Hell, maybe I'll create stories on other things at some point in different ways. You never know. Still, it's been a good run and I'm happy with the time spent on here making stories and being cringe. It's just in my nature, you know? Again this started out with some high schooler wanting to make a shipping story that developed into a regular hobby. Life takes you to weird places sometimes. If anyone is wondering, no I will not delete this account it will be up as well as my stories as long as Wattpad keeps it up until something happens to it or Wattpad is gone. I mentioned this as well in the Just a Robot 5 book, but I'll still respond to comments or messages about any of my books when I can if anyone feels like it. Just won't be making anymore books on here and that won't change. So yeah. That's it. Nothing much else to say that hasn't been said. Again thank all of you, I really mean it. I guess this isn't really a goodbye but a see you later type of thing. So yeah. See you later everyone.


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
So... Just a Robot 5 is finally done... after so long. Huh. Of course I'm going to fix spelling errors, other minor things, and whatever else. One final time. So I guess it's done, but not at the same time. At least for me. It could take a while since this story is so fucking long, not just with the amount of chapters but also how long some of the chapters are themselves. I might spend more time doing so this time so it shouldn't take so long. Hopefully. But yeah. It's pretty much done I guess. Until next time.


Just a Robot 5 is officially the longest book with 74 chapters so far, with Just a Robot 4 having 73 chapters. God damn.


Anyways, for an update on Just a Robot 5. I am really close to finishing it. It's not almost done but its really close I'll say that confidently, which I'm sure you can tell by where the story is right now. The book will probably reach to at least 85 chapters, though that is if it goes to plan and doesn't go for even longer. I have it all planned out but its just a matter of how many chapters will it take to finish everything up. I hope to have it done by, at least, the end of June since I'm done with school for the semester and will working the whole summer. That really depends on work and the amount of time I have, but even if it does take longer I'm sure Just a Robot 5 will be done by the time of August or around that time frame. I hope. I'll also have to edit and fix some chapters so that'll be fun. Anyways, that's all I wanted to say. See you later nerds.


50 chapters for Just a Robot 5. Took long enough. Now to see how many more chapters I have left to finish the book.


Also I kinda just been on that grind with working on Just a Robot 5 like almost every day and getting a lot of chapters out. Feels good again honestly. At this rate I hope to get it done by the end of the year, and that's if I keep up with the pacing I'm going at. We'll see.


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
Man, it's that time of the year where new, actually good, games are releasing and I have to play those since some I've waited so long to get released, along with the other various long list of older games I gotta finish and I just don't have the time to do all that shit. Oh well.


I don't want sound like I'm making excuses or to feel bad for me, I just kinda need to express just what's it been like for a while now. And I guess this leads into what I'm gonna mentioned next. When I finish Just a Robot 5 I'll be leaving Wattpad. This was something I've been planning on doing for a while now but I was going to mentioned it once Just a Robot 5 was finished. However I recently thought about it and felt like a dick move to do so I figured I'd mention it now. All the stuff I just mentioned is the reason for that and probably does suck to hear me leaving for some, but I think it's time to move on. I previously had other one off books I wanted to do, and even planned on doing another oc book that connects to the oc holidays specials and the Pinnacle of Life, but I just really don't want to anymore. This is also the reason why I stopped making holiday special stories I usually did every year, since I was burnt out on making those as well. So yeah, just all that stuff has lead me to wanting to leave. However, I still plan on finishing Just a Robot 5. It's not going to be discontinued or anything as I always planned on finishing the book, no matter what and I still plan on it.  I don't know how long it will take but I'm currently around the half way mark for the story. If it takes a year or longer to complete this book fine by me but I plan on finishing it, no matter what. When it's done I'm calling it quits, whenever that'll be. So yeah, I just wanted to put all this stuff out there since it had been on my mind for long and thought my followers needed to know what had been going on for so long. It sucks but these things have to end at some point. Anyways I'll continue making chapters when I can, though it still may take a week or month depending on school or other things so expect the schedule to somewhat be the same. I hope all of you understand and if so thank you and for taking the time to read, I really appreciate it. Until next time, I guess.


@ Saberthebunny  Oh, ok, i get it


No I'll still keep my stories and account up.


@ Saberthebunny   I get it, I really enjoyed and enjoy reading your stories, ^^ 
            You won't delete them, will you?


este mensaje puede ser ofensivo
So, I guess this goes to all my followers, at least to those that still read the stuff I make and that aren't dead followers. I've been wanting to speak about things for a while, but just never bothered to just because I was putting off or just wasn't sure I needed to make this anyways. But no, this isn't about me quitting wattpad or leaving right now, at least not yet which I'll discuss. Basically there's a lot I need to speak about so I guess I start with as to why I haven't written as much for a while and more so since I started writing Just a Robot 5. First off I've hadn't the motivation to even write a chapter when I chose to, mainly just because I was tried of it. And this has being going off and on since I started Just a Robot 5 and really hasn't changed since, which also might have to do with my loss for the passion I had for the fnaf franchise. Honestly, I've distanced myself from the fandom and community around the games, mainly because I've grown out of it. I just felt the story was finished with 6 and that no main line games weren't really needed anymore, except seems the story is still continuing. Even so I've just moved on and out grown fnaf and just am more invested in other communities and franchises that I've grown up with and have more of an attachment with. Another reason for the delay in making chapters is just I'm older now than what I was making stories for the first time. I was in high school and really didn't do shit all do so I kinda had all the time now. Now I'm in college, have a part time job and summer job, and just have more responsibilities and less time to work on writing. As well as that writing is the least of what I want to do when I have free time, like playing video games, watching youtube or movies or whatever the hell else. This is a hobby, not a job, and I just rather be doing something else than writing at times. So yeah, that's why things have been slow for so long. 