
Morning guys!
          	It's 7:15 and I have school in an hour.
          	I just wanted to come online and say, yes, I am back and no, I don't plan on going back to my writing. I just missed my friends on here, and, well I didn't know until now that I could get my account back after deleting. And I do have wifi now so...But I'm so happy that I'm back, but so sad that most of my friends aren't allowed - accounts deactivated
          	Also, I took down A Slight Gesture - my good friend @valuables has that on her account, I gave her permission about four months ago on facebook - the only day I was bothered to be online.
          	I still have My Superman up, even though that isn't actually my book, ahaha.
          	Oh, and good luck with all your exaaaamms! :D
          	I hope you get through them.
          	-Zay ♥


Morning guys!
          It's 7:15 and I have school in an hour.
          I just wanted to come online and say, yes, I am back and no, I don't plan on going back to my writing. I just missed my friends on here, and, well I didn't know until now that I could get my account back after deleting. And I do have wifi now so...But I'm so happy that I'm back, but so sad that most of my friends aren't allowed - accounts deactivated
          Also, I took down A Slight Gesture - my good friend @valuables has that on her account, I gave her permission about four months ago on facebook - the only day I was bothered to be online.
          I still have My Superman up, even though that isn't actually my book, ahaha.
          Oh, and good luck with all your exaaaamms! :D
          I hope you get through them.
          -Zay ♥


Zay's back. *^* <3


I HAVE CONSIDERED. You are, thus forgiven xD I WONT LET IT PASS NEXT TIME T_T GOOD if you're not leaving. I will stalk you and mentally and emotionally and physically DESTROY YOU. Hahaha, its really really good to hear from you again. *weeps tears of joy*


YOU SHALL CONSIDER? WHAT? NO FORGIVENESS ON THE DOT? I promise! Hand and heart and stuff. I WILL. But I ain't leaving anytime soon. :D GOOD. I MISSED YOU TOO.


I SHALL CONSIDER. But if you're going to disappear like that from wattpad again... YOU BETTER GIVE ME YOUR OTHER CONTACT-POSSIBLE places. OKAY. I MISSED YOU.