
I honestly have to say that I really enjoy your comments thank for reading my story, and I'm glad that your enjoying it so far


I have definitely enjoyed reading "The Kings Luna" and can't wait to see how it goes along! I'm dying to see how and when John and Claire end up together and how it all plays out!!! Waiting for future updates and continue with the awesome writing!!!


Thank you so very much for reading and voting on Belle and Beast!!! It means so much to me and I hope you enjoy the story!!! Thanks for being awesome!!


You're welcome I have enjoyed reading it and can't wait for the updates. 


Heya thanks for voting and reading my book :) and btw your bio looks cool.. Except for the hug part that is.


Welcome! You're actually me of the few authors who does says thanks like this personally, so that's pretty epic!!! And I'm definitely enjoying the book I just can't wait for the updates!!! And as for the hug part I dunno what my bio says I made this account like 6 years ago soooo there's definitely no telling what it says.... I should probably check.... 