
Yas! Comencé a escribir de nuevo. Veremos a ver si cojo animo para continuar algunas. Les adelanto que al menos comencé a escribir un poco de Vacio o Incompleto. Próximamente seguiré escribiendo. 


After seeing your YouTube comment on That Wattpad Moment I decided to check your profile out. I read Russian Roulette and thought it was very interesting!


@ScarletBrokenArrow Omg thanks for doing so!


Was watching National Geo. Interesting things they put there. You should learn by watching it! Um where was I? oh right! me blabbering on my apology for not updating. Well I get distracted. Plus I just graduated from High School! Yeah I still don't get over it. Especially when you had so many memories in every corner of the school haha. But I'm starting writing back! So I hope to please you guys with my crazy stories. So Thanks for reading and taking your precious time. Go on, scoot and read my lovelies! 


Wooo I'm back! I hope no one missed me. Cause I wouldn't bare if someone really missed me... It'd be tragic for my teenage heart. Lol too much of a break I had. From my bottom of a hard and sweet heart I have, I say I'm sorry. But Why? Well for not updating. Second because I distract myself so easily as writing this and looking at a butterfly fly. Speaking of which. Brb


380 reads! Thanks you so much, I really hope you enjoy this story as much I write it. It doesn't has that bright side in it, but I can assure you that everything at the end will. Plus, the person who guesses what was Santiago's vision and what it was about it will get the next dedication. So anything guess, if no one comments, I just choose someone randomly xD