
hey people i'm writing a new story, and this one actually doesn't have to do with fantasy, sci-fi, or any action. I mean those are my favorite kind of genre, but this time it's different. I'm going to post some of what I have so far and was wondering if any of you would like to read it and maybe give me some feed back. Just go to my page and click on the book that says Unknown Title.


hey people i'm writing a new story, and this one actually doesn't have to do with fantasy, sci-fi, or any action. I mean those are my favorite kind of genre, but this time it's different. I'm going to post some of what I have so far and was wondering if any of you would like to read it and maybe give me some feed back. Just go to my page and click on the book that says Unknown Title.


Hey peeps, just checking in. I haven't really been on wattpad for a long time since I've been busy, but never less I am still writing. Right now I'm still in the planning phase of a book that I think is going to be great (Sorry for those who liked the Fires and Flames series, if there were any, I've kind of given up on that). At the time I am writing it in a kind of script form to get a better idea of thing before I write it out in great detail. But I was wondering if I could have some my followers, you people, critique some of what I've wrote so far. I'll post what I have, after I type it up, and you can read it and , if you want, leave a comment on what you think. I'll let you know when I have it typed up and posted and it will have a description about it so you can kind of get a general understanding of what's going on. It would be really nice if I got some comments so I could see what I need to edit. And also, again if you want to, tell me something that you would like in the book, something that you think should happen. I'll be waiting to hear from all of you when it's posted.


Writing a new book for nanowrimo! Hope people will like it when I post it. Hint, it's about a boy falling in love with a vampire (not twilight). Then there's this crazy adventure that the boy, the vampire, and some of their friends go on. I'm trying to make the book as good and detailed as possible. And I may need some help with doing that. So I'm you, my followers, can you help me figure out some ideas for the rest of the book? The first chapter is finished and I'm starting the second. And just to help you a little more, the book is set in today's time, it's a mix of fantasy, supernatural, and things of that sort. And yes this supernatural has to deal with more than vampires and werewolves, there's also demons, Hell Hounds, the devil, and all sorts of creatures. If you want to help just shoot me a message and I'll send you a small part of the book just so you understand what's going on.
          Anyways I would really appreciate it if you guys could help. Thank you ^_^


For those who have just followed me and don't know, my original account, Jacobella12, was hacked by someone who is unknown to me. All of the books on that account are my works and I will be re-posting them on this file. So please don't be alarmed and think that I'm copying.
          For those of your who already know this and who have just found out from this message, I will be sending this a few more times throughout the course of getting all or most of my followers back. Thank you for understanding and I wish you a wonderful day.


For all those who have followed me back. My original account, Jacobella12, has been hacked. So I created this new account. I will be posting my books again and will also be continuing on some of them. So don't think that I'm copying please and thank you


@Jacobella12number2  ugh I'm so sorry, I wish I could help you


@Mylifeisntreal Well I sent it and it didn't go through :'(


@Jacobella12number2 I would try and report it. they might be able to do something. also if you notify them what happened it might make it so you dont get in trouble for copyright. because they dont know its you.