Hi guys! I'm back! I had a real scare, where I thought I'd been locked out of my account, but it's all over now, and I'm back in business.
Thank you so much to my friend @AceOfTheNether, who tried to help me back onto this profile.
Hopefully going to update an almost forgotten story soon, and I think we all know which one I mean! ;-)
Thanks again for bearing with me, and sorry this post was so long.
Love Sarah.
Hi guys! I'm back! I had a real scare, where I thought I'd been locked out of my account, but it's all over now, and I'm back in business.
Thank you so much to my friend @AceOfTheNether, who tried to help me back onto this profile.
Hopefully going to update an almost forgotten story soon, and I think we all know which one I mean! ;-)
Thanks again for bearing with me, and sorry this post was so long.
Love Sarah.
I'm sorry about delays on the next chapter of my Danganronpa fan fiction, but I currently feel like my brain is melting out of my ears, so writing has become impossible. Sorry again, and I'll try and post the next chapter soon.
So, the next chapter of my Danganronpa fanfiction should be uploaded soon. Yeah, I basically have no posting schedule, so, parts when will be posted when they're done. (No sheet, Sherlock.) So, anyway, 'Chapter One' should be up soon.
Wow, I've not done much. Not really "writer's block", more like "writer's smacking over the head with unproductive-ness." I'm starting on a new, original story soon, so you can look forward to that.